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Health is Wealth


Everyone would agree to the truth of the proverb "health is wealth".

Here is a new example to that.

As we pursue our health needs of  consuming organic food, there exists an opportunity to convert the expenditure incurred on food into an income.

One will realise it by opting for Vicib Homely brand organic food products.The range is free of chemicals and is organic. Thus it ensures a good health. By using the product itself the health is protected from using the normal brands sold in the market and consequently the wealth.

But besides the above, the marketing of the products is done only through multi-level marketing system. As you all know every purchase by your down the level brings in income to you. This is how our expenditure on buying Vicib Homely products brings back income to us.

Enjoy yourself by opting for a Distributor status by investing as low as Rs. 3990 on their welcome package of items of daily use and thereafter your monthly quota of household items may be drawn from them. By becoming a distributor as above, you are becoming an authorised member for introducing more members under you from which you will start earning a % on their purchases. Minimum 3 members to be introduced as distributors to start your earnings. Upto 30 levels under you in pyramid form, your earnings will continue besides a % percentage on their regular purchases of Homely products. Earnings have no limit as such.

If you would also like to be a part of this team of earners, I can introduce you. All payments directly thro online transfer to the company's bank account after completing registration of your membership. Facilitation will be done by me/my senior.

May contact on phone or email for more details.

Be a health-cum-wealth conscious consumer.

The company's range of products include various other items of electronics, home appliances, furniture, clothing all of high quality range. More than 25 years of standing in the market itself gives it the foothold of trustworthiness. More than Rs. 300 crore turnover and maaged by a team of ladies.

Wishing you all a very good evening,

Mobile No. 8108301353


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