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Health Tips

Dear All,

Everyone is everyday thinking of how shall each one maintain a good health.

Here the taste for food matters. The more tasty, more the quantity eaten. The point that any quantity may not go well with each one's digestive system is neglected by many.  It would be advisable to know what is the quantity of food required to suit  each individual's system. For this, a proper authentic direction is required to be followed. Whether it be under any system of medicines, prescriptions are made by the respective professionals when contact about it.  Always remaining within the prescribed quantity of food is the most advisable method of following for  maintaining a  better health.

When we talk about food, whether it be in the raw form(uncooked) or in cooked form is also important. Human body is adjustable to nature . Therefore the most suited form of food is raw such as fruits, salads as it would be easily digested by each one's system. Here the taste of food comes into play. Human beings are from the time of childhood , taught by parents to eat the food that is cooked at home . But the cooked food consumption can cause rejections by the digestive system not necessarily immediately but at a later stage. Thus the ailments are felt by each one. The main cause for ailments is consumption of wrong food . Today when anyone is beginning to suffer any ailments, medicines are prescribed . It works for comfort  temporarily only as we have not switched back to the natural food. Even if one tries to change the food habit from cooked to raw, the taste may not suit. That is why the saying of "unless a bad  apple is eaten" the taste of a good  apple is not understood. Since our experience is with eating bad apple i.e. cooked food from beginning, we have now to taste and accept the raw food which is really good for the body.

The concept of eating plant food , say 10 grams of body weight in the form  of fruits and 5 grams of  vegetables in raw form be adopted . Restrict cooked food to 20% of the total daily intake . This helps everyone to ward off many diseases. This system enables us to withdraw present medicine intakes which are causing enormous amount of imbalance in the body . Thus attain the stage of  healthy body and mind and lead a disease free life unto last the  breath as stated in may previous blogs.

Wishing everyone a good health,



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